Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I consider the Chancellor Hotel a very safe hotel. We are intimate enough that we recognize our guests and people that do not belong often stand out. The hotel has only one way in and one way out which passes right by the front desk. The staff receives a lot of safety awareness training which is the biggest factor for providing a safe environment for our guests. Of course, all of our doors have secondary locks, peep holes, electronic entry locks, secondary window locks and in room safes. Safety is a major focus of ours.

However, I came across this article and I thought I would pass these tips along because it is good to keep in mind with us and anywhere else one goes.

These tips from government officials and hotel security experts may help ensure a crime-free hotel stay:

  • Before booking a hotel, make sure that guest-room doors have multiple locks, including a deadbolt.
  • Consider using a valet, or park your car in a well-lit area as close as possible to the hotel lobby.
  • Before getting out of the car, scan the parking lot for any possible assailants. Lock the car and do not leave any valuables inside.
  • In high-rise hotels, request a room on the third floor or above.
  • If hotel personnel mention your room number during check-in or another time during your stay, ask for another room.
  • Don't enter an elevator if someone inside seems suspicious.
  • Don't open the room door to anyone without verification from the front desk, and do not use your name when answering the phone.
  • Make sure you know how to use the phone in your room and that you can dial 911.
  • Place all valuables in the in-room safe.
  • Hang the "do not disturb" sign on the door and leave a light and radio or TV on when leaving.
  • At night or any time there's concern about safety, request a hotel staff member to accompany you to your room to inspect it.

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